How A Lymphatic Massage Is Performed

20 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

The lymphatic system plays an important role in the elimination of waste. For the lymphatic system to function properly, it needs smooth muscle tissues that are functioning properly. Unfortunately, fluids can build up in your lymphatic system, and this can only be solved through a lymphatic massage.

Understanding the Lymphatic Massage

There are two lymphatic massage stages: clearing and reabsorption. The process involves creating a vacuum through consistent and gentle pressure. This creates a flushing motion. While many individuals benefit from deep tissue massages, this can be too heavy for someone who has problems with their lymphatic system.

Rhythmic Motions

Through rhythmic motions, the lymphatic massage pumps the lymph nodes manually throughout the body. This improves lymphatic flow and allows your body to remove waste. The massage therapist will use a very light touch because the lymphatic vessels are right underneath the skin and you do not need a lot of pressure. 

The goal of the massage is not to move the skin but to stretch it. This is because the lymphatic vessels are elastic and need to be stretched. Simply moving fingers back and forth will not help. However, for the massage to be effective, you will need to have it performed by a massage therapist who knows how to move in the same direction as the lymphatic vessels.

What to Expect

Whenever you receive a lymphatic drainage massage, you will need to have both sides of your body treated even if you are only affected by lymphedema on one side of your body. The process is slower than a typical massage and it will often take seconds to stretch the skin. Therefore, you will need to get in a comfortable position and listen to relaxing music so you can enjoy the process.

Areas of the Body to Target

By engaging in deep breathing while you are receiving the massage, you will be able to enter into a more relaxed state. While doing this, there are various parts of your body that might be massaged, including the:

  • Collarbone
  • Back of the neck
  • Side of the neck
  • The underarm area
  • The hips
  • Abdomen
  • Legs

After each area has been targeted, you will be able to experience the benefits of a lymphatic drainage massage. You will need to receive lymphatic drainage massages on a regular basis in addition to using a compression sleeve to prevent fluids from building up. Then, you will be able to alleviate the symptoms of lymphedema.
